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2019-05-27 15:49:00

“The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal funding agencies have raised concerns regarding foreign influence on research activities in the United States, as expressed in NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins’ August 2018 statement.
Emory, like other universities in the U.S., is working closely with the NIH to address these concerns and to respond to NIH requests regarding specific projects. Through an internal investigation prompted by a letter that the NIH sent to many academic research universities, Emory discovered that two of its faculty members named as key personnel on NIH grant awards to Emory University had failed to fully disclose foreign sources of research funding and the extent of their work for research institutions and universities in China. Emory has shared this information with the NIH, and the faculty members are no longer employed at Emory.
It is important to note that Emory remains committed to the free exchange of ideas and research and to our vital collaborations with researchers from around the world. At the same time, Emory also takes very seriously its obligation to be a good steward of federal research dollars and to ensure compliance with all funding disclosure and other requirements.“
首先,美国大学Tenure制度的起源,是为保障教授的学术自由,能在不受外界环境干预的影响下自由研究。Tenured的教授可以Fired for cause, 但是当事人的due process必须保障,包括procedure due process,无论是在大学内部,还是在美国的司法体系。事实上,这是美国的立国之本,是美国宪法第五修正案和第十四修正案所确认的。Emory 大学双开两位教授而没有给予当事人任何辩解的机会和上诉渠道,既侵犯了两位教授的学术自由,也侵犯了两位教授应当享受的due process。
更严重的是,李晓江李世华实验室多名中国学生也被一同解雇,并限30天内离境。即便教授有问题,为什么学生也要受到牵连?每一个学生究竟犯了什么错,不需要一一核实吗?就是因为他们都来自中国?说好的不因国籍、人种、肤色、各种各样性取向性认知而受歧视呢?原来所谓Equal Protection只是精英阶层拿温室里面的弱势群体当道具用的!
The pig model of HD was established by researchers at Emory University School of Medicine, together with colleagues at Jinan University and Chinese Academy of Sciences in Guangzhou.
The research was supported by the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NS101701, NS095279, NS095181), National Key Research and Development Program of China (Stem Cell and Translational Research), the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Guangdong Province.
最可笑的是,NIH院长Francis Collins 2017年6月27日,还在他的院长专栏里面,歌颂李晓江的研究成果,也是有图有真相,怎么说的呢?
The progress, reported in the Journal of Clinical Investigation [1], comes from the NIH-supported team of Su Yang, Renbao Chang, Xiao-Jiang Li, and colleagues at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta. The group’s previous work showed that halting the production of mutated (or even healthy!) HTT protein in mature neurons doesn’t hurt the cells or cause obvious neurological problems in mice [2]
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