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2019-05-14 10:19:00

2014年的一晚,Ian Goodfellow和一个刚刚毕业的博士生一起喝酒庆祝。在蒙特利尔一个酒吧,一些朋友希望他能帮忙看看手头上一个棘手的项目:计算机如何自己生成图片。


Ian Goodfellow朋友们提出的方案是对那些组成图片的元素进行复杂的统计分析以帮助机器自己生成图片。这需要进行大量的数据运算,Ian Goodfellow告诉他们这根本行不通。



那天晚上他提出的方法现在叫做GAN,即生成对抗网络(generative adversarial network)。

通过使用两个神经网络的相互对抗,Ian Goodfellow创造了一个强大的AI工具——生成对抗网络GAN(generative adversarial network)。现在,该方法已经在机器学习领域产生了巨大的影响,也让他的创造者Goodfellow成为了人工智能界的重要人物。

GAN的诞生故事早已为技术圈所熟知,但是,产生这样奇妙对抗想法的似乎不止Ian Goodfellow一人。

比如另一位机器学习领袖Jurgen Schmidhuber就声称早些时候已经做过类似的工作。

NIPS 2016上有的相关争论:



https://web.archive.org/web/20120312111546/http://yehar.com:80 /blog /?p = 167



事实上,这篇博客的作者Olli Niemitalo的心态其实比吃瓜群众要好很多,Olli是位来自芬兰的电器工程师,在2017年的一篇帖子了,他叙述了自己在刚刚发现GAN的心路历程:“2017年5月,我在YouTube看到了Ian Goodfellow的相关教程,made my day! 我之前写下的只是一个基本的想法,并且已经做了很多工作来使它取得良好的效果。这个演讲回答了我曾经遇到过的问题以及更多问题。”




Amethod for training artificial neural networksto generate missing data within a variable context. As the idea is hard to put in a single sentence, I will use an example:

An image may have missing pixels (let's say, under a smudge). How can one restore the missing pixels, knowing only the surrounding pixels? One approach would be a "generator" neural network that, given the surrounding pixels as input, generates the missing pixels.

But how to train such a network? One can't expect the network to exactly produce the missing pixels. Imagine, for example, that the missing data is a patch of grass. One could teach the network with a bunch of images of lawns, with portions removed. The teacher knows the data that is missing, and could score the network according to the root mean square difference (RMSD) between the generated patch of grass and the original data. The problem is that if the generator encounters an image that is not part of the training set, it would be impossible for the neural network to put all the leaves, especially in the middle of the patch, in exactly the right places. The lowest RMSD error would probably be achieved by the network filling the middle area of the patch with a solid color that is the average of the color of pixels in typical images of grass. If the network tried to generate grass that looks convincing to a human and as such fulfills its purpose, there would be an unfortunate penalty by the RMSD metric.

My idea is this (see figure below): Train simultaneously with the generator a classifier network that is given, in random or alternating sequence, generated and original data. The classifier then has to guess, in the context of the surrounding image context, whether the input is original (1) or generated (0). The generator network is simultaneously trying to get a high score (1) from the classifier. The outcome, hopefully, is that both networks start out really simple, and progress towards generating and recognizing more and more advanced features, approaching and possibly defeating human's ability to discern between the generated data and the original. If multiple training samples are considered for each score, then RMSD is the correct error metric to use, as this will encourage the classifier network to output probabilities.


GAN之父Ian Goodfellow :那个赋予机器想象力的人类


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