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2019-04-24 10:50:00

A high-level new product conference was held in the exhibition hall of Charming in 20th April, 2019. The launch of the new product conference will certainly blow up the LED industry market, and Charming will continue to write their own brilliant chapters.
New Products' Introduction
LED 640 DJ台LED 640 DJ Booth
相比于结构优化前的DJ台,640 DJ台最大的特点是它可以通过手机WIFI进行连接控制,也可以通过电脑控制,而且统一采用的是诺瓦控制系统,使得它的控制方式更为方便,其使用效果更具动感、更炫酷。另外,其结构是移动式折叠的,使得安装拆卸和运输变得更方便快捷。
Compared to the DJ booth before the structure optimization, the 640 DJ booth's biggest feature is it can be controlled through the mobileconnectingWi-Fi,and it can also be controlled by a computer, the LED 640 DJ booth all use the Nova control system, making its control pattern be more convenient and its using effect become more dynamic and cool. In addition, its structure is movable folding, making it easier to install, dismantle, and transport.
LED点光源40DLED Pixel Light 40D
Compared with the previous generation of pixel light , the LED pixel light 40D has been further optimized, making the diffuse reflection of the light increase its brightness.Besides, the installation method has also been well improved. After the improvement, the pixel light 40D adapts aluminum tank to installate, and its wiring is hidden in the aluminum tank. Therefore, it has better dust-free, damp-proof, oxidation resistant and waterproof effects, and its appearance is also more beautiful.
LED pixel light 40D is suitable for office buildings, hotels, bridges, restaurants, billboards and other places.
LED DMX迷你线条灯 LED DMX Pixel Light
改进后的LED DMX迷你线条灯相比于普通的迷你线条灯而言,具有多像素点、点对点操控灵活、DMX协议和显示效果更佳的特点。其结构尺寸较普通的迷你线条灯而言基本不变,但所需工作电压明显降低,且亮度更亮,进行调光与控制时更为方便灵活。
Compared to the average mini tube light, the improved LED DMX Mini tube light has the characteristics of multi-pixel, point-to-point manipulation, DMX protocols, and better display effects.Its structural size is basically the same as that of an ordinary mini tube light, but the required operating voltage is significantly reduced, and the brightness become brighter. It is more convenient and flexible to adjust light and control.
"Realistic innovation and continuous breakthrough" is the source of motivation for the continuous advancement of Charming.The new product press conference convened successfully, means that Charming has taken another step forward in the realization of the next goal. These new products, must set off the market, and become another batch of ace blasting !
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