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2011-07-07 00:00:00

3V 至 5.5V 多通道 RS-232 线路驱动器/接收器
说明The MAX3232 device consists of two line drivers, two line receivers, and a dual charge-pump circuit with ±15-kV ESD protection pin to pin (serial-port connection pins, including GND). The device meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and provides the electrical interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the serial-port connector. The charge pump and four small external capacitors allow operation from a single 3-V to 5.5-V supply. The devices operate at data signaling rates up to 250 kbit/s and a maximum of 30-V/µs driver output slew rate.
- RS-232 Bus-Pin ESD Protection Exceeds ±15 kV Using Human-Body Model (HBM)
- Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and ITU v.28 Standards
- Operates With 3-V to 5.5-V VCC Supply
- Operates up to 250 kbit/s
- Two Drivers and Two Receivers
- Low Supply Current... 300 µA Typical
- External Capacitors... 4 × 0.1 µF
- Accepts 5-V Logic Input With 3.3-V Supply
- Alternative High-Speed Pin-Compatible Device (1 Mbit/s)
- SNx5C3232
- Applications
- Battery-Powered Systems, PDAs, Notebooks, Laptops, Palmtop PCs, and Hand-Held Equipment
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电动机点动控制电路图 两地控制电
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基于Multisim的MC1496调幅电路的仿真, mc1496,调幅电路原理的解释调幅电路是把调制信号和载波信号同时加在一个非线性元件上(例如晶Touch-activated Alarm circuits
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