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2009-04-19 00:00:00

The TL16C450 is a CMOS version of an asynchronous communications element (ACE). It typically functions in a microcomputer system as a serial input/output interface.
The TL16C450 performs serial-to-parallel conversion on data received from a peripheral device or modem and parallel-to-serial conversion on data received from its CPU. The CPU can read and report on the status of the ACE at any point in the ACE's operation. Reported status information includes the type of transfer operation in progress, the status of the operation, and any error conditions encountered.
The TL16C450 ACE includes a programmable, on-board, baud rate generator. This generator is capable of dividing a reference clock input by divisors from 1 to (216 -1) and producing a 16× clock for driving the internal transmitter logic. Provisions are included to use this 16× clock to drive the receiver logic. Also included in the ACE is a complete modem control capability and a processor interrupt system that may be software tailored to the user's requirements to minimize the computing required to handle the communications link.
Programmable Baud Rate Generator Allows Division of Any Input Reference Clock by 1 to (216 -1) and Generates an Internal 16× Clock
Full Double Buffering Eliminates the Need for Precise Synchronization
Standard Asynchronous Communication Bits (Start, Stop, and Parity) Added or Deleted to or From the Serial Data Stream
Independent Receiver Clock Input
Transmit, Receive, Line Status, and Data Set Interrupts Independently Controlled
Fully Programmable Serial Interface Characteristics:
5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-Bit Characters
Even-, Odd-, or No-Parity Bit Generation and Detection
1-, 1 1/2-, or 2-Stop Bit Generation
Baud Generation (dc to 256 Kbit/s)
False Start Bit Detection
Complete Status Reporting Capabilities
3-State TTL Drive Capabilities for Bidirectional Data Bus and Control Bus
Line Break Generation and Detection
Internal Diagnostic Capabilities:
Loopback Controls for Communications Link Fault Isolation
Break, Parity, Overrun, Framing Error Simulation
Fully Prioritized Interrupt System Controls
Modem Control Functions (CTS\, RTS\, DSR\, DTR\, RI\, and DCD\)
Easily Interfaces to Most Popular Microprocessors
Faster Plug-In Replacement for National Semiconductor NS16C450
Number of Channels 1
FIFOs(bytes) 0
Operating Voltage(V) 5
Pin/Package 44PLCC
Rating Catalog
Tx / Rx FIFO INT Trig No / No
CPU Interface X86
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 1.8V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) N/A
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 2.5V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) N/A
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 3.3V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) N/A
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 5.0V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) 0.256
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