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2009-04-19 00:00:00

The TL16C451 and TL16C452 provide single- and dual-channel (respectively) serial interfaces along with a single Centronix-type parallel-port interface. The serial interfaces provide a serial-to-parallel conversion for data received from a peripheral device or modem and a parallel-to-serial conversion for data transmitted by a CPU. The parallel interface provides a bidirectional parallel data port that fully conforms to the requirements for a Centronix-type printer interface. A CPU can read the status of the asynchronous communications element (ACE) interfaces at any point in the operation. The status includes the state of the modem signals (CTS\, DSR\, RLSD\, and RI) and any changes to these signals that have occurred since the last time they were read, the state of the transmitter and receiver including errors detected on received data, and printer status. The TL16C451 and TL16C452 provide control for modem signals (RTS\ and DTR\), interrupt enables, baud rate programming, and parallel-port control signals.
Integrates Most Communications Card Functions From the IBM PC/ATTM or Compatibles With Single- or Dual-Channel Serial Ports
TL16C451 Consists of One TL16C450 Plus Centronix Printer Interface
TL16C452 Consists of Two TL16C450s Plus a Centronix-Type Printer Interface
Fully Programmable Serial Interface Characteristics:
5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-Bit Characters
Even-, Odd-, or No-Parity Bit Generation and Detection
1-, 1 1/2-, or 2 Stop-Bit Generation
Programmable Baud Rate
(dc to 256 kbit/s)
Fully Double Buffered for Reliable
Asynchronous Operation
IBM PC/AT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Number of Channels 2
FIFOs(bytes) 0
Operating Voltage(V) 5
Pin/Package 68PLCC
Rating Catalog
Tx / Rx FIFO INT Trig No / No
CPU Interface X86
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 1.8V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) N/A
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 2.5V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) N/A
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 3.3V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) N/A
Baud Rate (max) at Vcc = 5.0V and with 16X Sampling(Mbps) 0.256
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