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MAXQ3183 低功耗、多功能、多相AFE,具有谐波和篡改

2009-12-12 00:00:00

MAXQ3183 低功耗、多功能、多相AFE,具有谐波和篡改检测

The MAXQ3183 is a dedicated electricity measurement front-end that collects and calculates polyphase voltage, current, power, energy, and many other metering and power-quality parameters of a polyphase load. The computed results can be retrieved by an external master through the on-chip serial peripheral interface (SPI™) bus. This bus is also used by the external master to configure the operation of the MAXQ3183 and monitor the status of operations.

The MAXQ3183 performs voltage and current measurements using an integrated ADC that can measure up to seven external differential signal pairs. An eighth differential signal pair is used to measure the die temperature. An internal amplifier automatically adjusts the current channel gain to compensate for low-current channel-signal levels.

Compatible with 3-Phase/3-Wire, 3-Phase/4-Wire
Active Power and Energy of Each Phase and Combined 3-Phase (kWh), Positive and Negative
Reactive Power and Energy of Each Phase and Combined, Positive and Negative
Apparent Power and Energy of Each Phase and Combined 3-Phase
Neutral Line Current Measurement
Vector Sum of 3-Phase Currents and Neutral Current
Line Frequency (Hz)
Power Factors
Voltage Phasor Angles
Voltage and Current Phase Sequence Indications
Phase Voltage Absence Detection
Voltage and Current Harmonic Measurement
Phase Current THDN
Fundamental and Total Power and Energy
AC/DC Mode Current and Voltage Measurement
Two Pulse Outputs: Configurable for Active, Reactive, and Apparent Powers
Programmable Meter Constants and Pulse Widths
Programmable No-Load Current Threshold
Programmable Thresholds for Undervoltage and Overvoltage Detection
Programmable Threshold for Overcurrent Detection
Programmable Vector Sum Threshold for Bypass Detection
Amp-Hours in Absence of Voltage Signals
On-Chip Digital Temperature Sensor
Precision Internal Voltage Reference 2.048V (30ppm/°C typical), Also Supports An External Voltage Reference
Supports Software Meter Calibration
Up to 3-Point Multipoint Calibration to Compensate for Transducer Nonlinearity
Power-Fail Detection
Bidirectional Reset Input/Output
SPI-Compatible Serial Interface with Interrupt Request (Active-Low IRQ) Output
Single 3.3V Supply, Low Power (35mW typical)



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