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MAX4969 PCIe、单通道、2:1/1:2复用器和接收

2009-11-16 00:00:00

MAX4969 PCIe、单通道、2:1/1:2复用器和接收

MAX4969 PCIe、单通道、2:1/1:2复用器和接收器,具有均衡功能

The MAX4969 active 2:1 and 1:2 multiplexer equalizes and redrives PCIe® signals up to 5.0GT/s (Gigatransfers per second) and operates from a single +3.3V supply.

The MAX4969 features PCIe-required electrical idle and receiver detection on each channel and improves signal integrity at the receiver through independent programmable input equalization and output deemphasis.

The MAX4969 is available in a small, 42-pin (3.5mm x 9.0mm) TQFN package optimal for simplified layout and space-saving requirements. The MAX4969 is specified over the 0°C to +70°C commercial operating temperature range.


  • Single +3.3V Supply Operation
  • PCIe Gen 1 (2.5GT/s) and Gen 2 (5.0GT/s)
    • Return Loss ≥ 8dB (1.25GHz ≤ f ≤ 2.5GHz)
  • Independent Input Equalization
  • Independent Output Deemphasis
  • Independent Output Level Selection
    • Reduced Power and EMI
  • On-Chip 50Ω Input/Output Terminations
  • Inline Signal Traces for Simplified Layout
  • Space-Saving, 3.5mm x 9.0mm TQFN Package
  • 应用/使用

  • Communications Switches
  • 存储局域网
  • 测试设备
  • 工作站


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