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AD8276/AD8277 低功耗,宽电源范围,低成本单位增
2009-08-23 00:00:00
AD8276/AD8277 低功耗,宽电源范围,低成本单位增益差分放大器
The AD8276 is a general-purpose unity-gain difference amplifier intended for precision signal conditioning in power critical applications that require both high performance and low power. The AD8276 provides exceptional common-mode rejection ratio (86 dB) and high bandwidth while amplifying signals well beyond the supply rails. The on-chip resistors are laser-trimmed for excellent gain accuracy and high common-mode rejection ratio. They also have outstanding gain temperature coefficient.
The amplifier’s common-mode range extends to almost double the supply voltage, making it ideal for single-supply applications that require a high common-mode voltage range.
The AD8276 is unity-gain stable. Intended as a difference amplifier, it can also be connected in a high precision, single-ended configuration with G = −1, +1, +2, or +½.
The AD8276 operates on single supplies (2.5 V to 36 V) or dual supplies (±2 V to ±18 V). The maximum quiescent supply current is 220 μA, which makes it ideal for battery operated and portable systems.
The AD8276 is available in the space-saving 8-lead MSOP and SOIC packages. It is specified for performance over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C and is fully RoHS compliant.
AD8276/AD8277,pdf datasheet (Unity-Gain Difference Amplifiers)
- Voltage measurement and monitoring
- Current measurement and monitoring
- Instrumentation amplifier building block
- Differential output instrumentation amplifier
- Portable, battery-powered equipment
- Medical instrumentation
- Test and measurement
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