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AD22105 低电压,电阻可编程恒温开关
2009-08-23 00:00:00
AD22105 低电压,电阻可编程恒温开关
The AD22105 is a solid state thermostatic switch. Requiring only one external programming resistor, the AD22105 can be set to switch accurately at any temperature in the wide operating range of -40°C to +150°C. Using a novel circuit architecture, the AD22105 asserts an open collector output when the ambient temperature exceeds the user-programmed setpoint temperature. The AD22105 has approximately 4°C of hysteresis which prevents rapid thermal on/off cycling.
The AD22105 is designed to operate on a single power supply voltage from +2.7 V to +7.0 V facilitating operation in battery powered applications as well as in industrial control systems. Because of low power dissipation (230 µW @ 3.3 V), self-heating errors are minimized and battery life is maximized.
An optional internal 200 k(ohm) pull-up resistor is included to facilitate driving light loads such as CMOS inputs.
Alternatively, a low power LED indicator may be driven directly.
User-Programmable Temperature Setpoint
2.0°C Setpoint Accuracy
4.0°C Preset Hysteresis
Wide Supply Range
(+2.7 Vdc to +7.0 Vdc)
Wide Temperature Range
(- 40°C to +150°C)
Typical Application Diagram for AD22105
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