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EVAL-ADV739X: Front End Modul
2009-10-31 00:00:00

EVAL-ADV739X: Front End Module that completes ADV7390/91/92/93 Evaluation Platform
Analog Devices has developed a 2 piece modular system to evaluate the ADV7390, ADV7391, ADV7392, ADV7393 Encoders.
The 2 piece system consists of a front end board featuring an ADV7403 Analog Devices Multiformat decoder, Cypress USB microcontroller and a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA. This board provides data to be sent to Encoder board plugged in to the back end.
The back end plug-in module features the encoder of choice.The form factor of these plug in-modules emphasize the small form factor of this range of video Encoders. The plug-in modules are listed here:
Functional Block Diagram for EVAL-ADV739x
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Evaluating a SerDes chipset fo
Evaluating a SerDes chipset fo,chipset,foshowing,Evaluating,SerDes,cablechipset,This application note presents test data showiEVAL-ADV739X: Front End Modul
EVAL-ADV739X: Front End Modul,Front,ADV739X,EVAL,Modulcompletes,FrontFront,EVAL-ADV739X: Front End Module that completes ADV7