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ADP3629: High Speed, Dual, 2
2009-10-31 00:00:00
![ADP3629: High Speed, Dual, 2](/style/img/no/33.webp)
ADP3629: High Speed, Dual, 2 A MOSFET Driver
The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 are dual, high current, high speed drivers, capable of driving two independent N-channel power MOSFETs. The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 use the industry-standard footprint but add high speed switching per-formance and improved system reliability.
The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 have an internal temperature sensor and provide two levels of overtemperature protection: an overtemperature warning and an overtemperature shutdown at extreme junction temperatures.
The SD function, generated from a precise internal comparator, provides fast system enable or shutdown. This feature allows redundant overvoltage protection, complementing the protec-tion inside the main controller device, or provides safe system shutdown in the event of an overtemperature warning.
The wide input voltage range allows the driver to be compatible with both analog and digital PWM controllers.
Digital power controllers are supplied from a low voltage supply, and the driver is supplied from a higher voltage supply. The ADP3629/ADP3630/ADP3631 add UVLO and hysteresis func-tions, allowing safe startup and shutdown of the higher voltage supply when used with low voltage digital controllers.
10 ns typical at 2.2 nF load
Functional Block Diagram for ADP3629
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