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MAX15039 6A、2MHz、降压型调节器,内置开关
2008-11-27 00:00:00

MAX15039 6A、2MHz、降压型调节器,内置开关
MAX15039 概述
The MAX15039 high-efficiency switching regulator delivers up to 6A load current at output voltages from 0.6V to 90% of VIN. The IC operates from 2.9V to 5.5V, making it ideal for on-board point-of-load and postregulation applications. Total output error is less than ±1% over load, line, and temperature ranges.
The MAX15039 features fixed-frequency PWM mode operation with a switching frequency range of 500kHz to 2MHz set by an external resistor. The MAX15039 provides the option of operating in a pulse-skip mode to improve light-load efficiency. High-frequency operation allows for an all-ceramic capacitor design. The high operating frequency also allows for small-size external components.
The low-resistance on-chip nMOS switches ensure high efficiency at heavy loads while minimizing critical inductances, making the layout a much simpler task with respect to discrete solutions. Following a simple layout and footprint ensures first-pass success in new designs.
The MAX15039 comes with a high bandwidth (28MHz) voltage-error amplifier. The voltage-mode control architecture and the voltage-error amplifier permit a type III compensation scheme to be utilized to achieve maximum loop bandwidth, up to 20% of the switching frequency. High loop bandwidth provides fast transient response, resulting in less required output capacitance and allowing for all-ceramic-capacitor designs.
The MAX15039 provides two three-state logic inputs to select one of nine preset output voltages. The preset output voltages allow customers to achieve ±1% output-voltage accuracy without using expensive 0.1% resistors. In addition, the output voltage can be set to any customer value by either using two external resistors at the feedback with a 0.6V internal reference or applying an external reference voltage to the REFIN input. The MAX15039 offers programmable soft-start time using one capacitor to reduce input inrush current.
MAX15039 关键特性
- 0.6V, 0.7V, 0.8V, 1.0V, 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.0V, 2.5V, and Adjustable
MAX15039 pdf datasheet
MAX15039 应用/使用
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