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ZLF645 20/28/48引脚闪存MCU,带有IR学习放
2009-05-02 00:00:00

ZLF645 20/28/48引脚闪存MCU,带有IR学习放大器
Maxim's ZLF645 series of flash MCUs are members of the Crimzon® family of infrared microcontrollers. This series provides a directly compatible code upgrade path to other Crimzon MCUs, offers a robust learning function, and features up to 64KB flash memory and 1K general-purpose RAM. Two timers allow the generation of complex signals while performing other counting operations. A universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) allows the ZLF645 MCU to function as a slave/master database chip. When the UART is not in use, the baud-rate generator (BRG) can be used as a third timer. Enhanced stop-mode recovery (SMR) features allow the ZLF645 MCU to recover from stop mode on any change of logic and on any combination of the 12 SMR inputs. The SMR source can also be used as an interrupt source. Many high-end remote control units offer a learning function. A learning function allows a replacement remote unit to learn infrared signals from the original remote unit and regenerate the signal. However, the amplifying circuits of many learning remotes are expensive and are not tuned well. The ZLF645 MCU is the first chip to offer a built-in tuned amplification circuit in a wide range of positions and battery voltages. The only external component required is a photodiode. The ZLF645 MCU greatly reduces the system cost and improves learning function reliability. With all new features, the ZLF645 MCU is excellent for infrared remote control and other MCU applications.
ZLF645 Key Specifications: Low Power Microcontrollers
IR Learning Amplifier
Patented T8/T16 Timer Pair
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