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MAX1789 高级智能电池组控制器
2009-02-23 00:00:00

MAX1789 高级智能电池组控制器
The MAX1789 smart battery-pack controller integrates a user-programmable microcontroller core, a coulomb-counting fuel gauge, a multichannel data-acquisition unit, and a system management bus (SMBus) v1.1-compliant master/slave SMBus interface. The 8-bit, RISC microcontroller core has an integrated 8KB of user-programmable flash and a 12KB program ROM library, which provides battery-pack designers with complete flexibility in developing fuel-gauging and control algorithms. The MAX1789 is equipped with in-system debug (ISD) capability for efficient development and debugging.
The MAX1789 includes a 12-bit data-acquisition unit to measure individual cell voltages, thermistors, current, and pack voltage. Internally adjustable overcurrent thresholds and delay timers provide a flexible solution.
The integrating fuel-gauge module provides a typical input offset of less than 1µV and gain accuracy of better than 1% with no trimming required during pack manufacture. The MAX1789 has a wide +4V to +25V operating voltage range. The MAX1789 is available as a 28-TSSOP. The MAX1789 evaluation kit is available to assist with development.
- < 1µV Input Offset Voltage
- < 1% Gain Error
- 139nAh Resolution (5m)
- No Calibration Required
- Individual Cell-Voltage Measurements with 0.5% Accuracy
- N-Channel MOSFET Gate Drivers
- Low-Current Charge Pump
- 8% Accurate Overcurrent Protection
- Programmable Overcurrent Delay Timers
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笔记本电脑电池组 | |
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