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MAX19517双通道、10位、130Msps ADC
2008-09-01 00:00:00

The MAX19517 dual-channel, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) provides 10-bit resolution and a maximum sample rate of 130Msps.
The MAX19517 analog input accepts a wide 0.4V to 1.4V input common-mode voltage range, allowing DC-coupled inputs for a wide range of RF, IF, and baseband front-end components. The MAX19517 provides excellent dynamic performance from baseband to high input frequencies beyond 400MHz, making the device ideal for zero-intermediate frequency (ZIF) and highintermediate frequency (IF) sampling applications. The typical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performance is 59.8dBFS and typical spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) is 82dBc at fIN = 70MHz and fCLK = 130MHz.
The MAX19517 operates from a 1.8V supply. Additionally, an integrated, self-sensing voltage regulator allows operation from a 2.5V to 3.3V supply (AVDD). The digital output drivers operate on an independent supply voltage (OVDD) over the 1.8V to 3.5V range. The analog power consumption is only 74mW per channel at VAVDD = 1.8V. In addition to low operating power, the MAX19517 consumes only 1mW in power-down mode and 21mW in standby mode.
Various adjustments and feature selections are available through programmable registers that are accessed through the 3-wire serial-port interface. Alternatively, the serial-port interface can be disabled, with the three pins available to select output mode, data format, and clock-divider mode. Data outputs are available through a dual parallel CMOS-compatible output data bus that can also be configured as a single multiplexed parallel CMOS bus.
The MAX19517 is available in a small 7mm x 7mm 48-pin thin QFN package and is specified over the -40°C to +85°C extended temperature range.
Refer to the MAX19505, MAX19506, and MAX19507 data sheets for pin- and feature-compatible 8-bit, 65Msps, 100Msps, and 130Msps versions, respectively. Refer to the MAX19515 and MAX19516 data sheets for pin- and feature-compatible 10-bit, 65Msps and 100Msps versions, respectively.
- 59.8dBFS SNR at 70MHz
- 82dBc SFDR at 70MHz
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