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2020-06-28 00:00:00

· Ampere™ Altra™是可前后兼容的处理器产品组合,将最新推出业内首款拥有最多内核数量(128个)的系列产品—— Ampere™ Altra Max™
· 为优化在特定工作负载下的性能、满足不同客户需求,Ampere 的云原生处理器系列推出了不同的产品
· 拥有128个内核的Ampere Altra Max与拥有80个内核的Ampere Altra处理器兼容
· Ampere将在2020年第四季度提供Altra Max样品
中国,北京(2020年6月24日)— —安晟培半导体科技有限公司(Ampere Computing)今日公布了其 Ampere Altra处理器系列的未来发展规划。今年3月,Ampere发布的“首款云原生处理器”Ampere Altra,拥有80个64位ARM 处理器内核。今天,Ampere披露了其云原生处理器系列产品的扩展成员Ampere Altra Max的初步信息,该产品将拥有128个内核,能够为客户提供优化的云计算处理器,实现单芯片整体性能以及机架内核部署密度的最大化。
采用Ampere Altra Max的应用将充分发挥横向扩展和弹性云架构优势。它兼容Ampere 80核的Altra处理器,并支持双路服务器平台。此外,它还将为行业带来最高的插槽级性能和I/O可扩展性。预计将在今年的第四季度提供Altra Max样品以及更多详细内容。
Ampere 创始人兼首席执行官 Renee James(詹睿妮)女士表示:“我们在今年3月推出了业界首款云原生处理器——80核处理器 Ampere Altra。 今天,我们宣布扩展Ampere Altra产品系列,推出第一个128核处理器,并于第四季度提供样品。我们深知需要推出不同的产品来满足客户的需求,并且能够达到在特定工作负载下的最优性能。很高兴与大家分享我们的快速进展,坚守我们的承诺,持续为客户提供性能和能效处于业内领先的产品。”
Ampere Altra系列提供了解决各种工作负载的灵活性,并且Ampere正在与生态系统中的伙伴合作,以满足客户的特定需求。
此外,目前一些客户已经开始提供基于Ampere Altra的平台。
“Cloudflare is deeply interested in the Ampere Altra processor and its innovative architecture. We have started evaluating Ampere Altra and are excited with the preliminary performance benchmarks we are seeing. We will share these performance metrics of Ampere Altra later in the year. Cloudflare is also excited to be engaged with Ampere on the Ampere Altra Max processor with 128 cores and can’t wait to test it. ”
Nitin Rao, Head of Global Infrastructure, Cloudflare.
“We are excited to announce GenyMotion has been ported to Ampere platforms. Customers who are using our cloud-based Android virtual devices demand scalability and the performance boost of running Arm native applications on an Arm-based server. It is exciting to see a high performant Arm server processor, Ampere Altra, available now. Ampere Altra enables unparalleled scalability and density to run our Android virtual devices on the cloud ”
Tim Danford, Chief Executive Officer, Genymobile.
“NVIDIA has moved quickly to bring its CUDA-X collection of libraries, tools, and technologies to deliver GPU acceleration to the thriving Arm ecosystem. We are happy to collaborate with Ampere and partners building reference designs that demonstrate the best combinations of GPU and CPU performance optimized for accelerated computing.”
Duncan Poole, Director of Platform Alliances, NVIDIA.
“We are excited to extend our partnership with Ampere by providing early access to their new Ampere Altra processors. Our shared passion for pushing the boundaries of performance for cloud-native applications is complemented by an equally deep commitment to engaging with the software ecosystem early and often. With this early access program our users, and the community at large, can experience what‘s next with silicon, today.”
Zac Smith, Managing Director of Bare Metal Packet, an Equinix Company.
“We are excited to offer Ampere products to our customers in the coming months. Adding the Ampere Altra processor and associated servers to our portfolio will enable Phoenics to provide our customers with key solutions for cloud, storage, edge and other server applications.”
Peter Rooks, President , Phoenics Electronics, an Avnet Company.
“At Scaleway we strive to provide diversity of architectures tailored to meet the variety of cloud workloads our customers run. We were among the first to offer Arm and Arm64 based virtual instances and bare-metal systems in the cloud. The new Ampere Altra processor brings us a new world of performance on Arm64 architecture, and enables new cross usage in the cloud for all sizes of workloads. We are pleased to work closely with Ampere and are delighted to say that we’re evaluating Ampere Altra for the new breeze of our Arm64 cloud instances in late 2020.”
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